The Lincoln PTO is looking for volunteers!
What does the PTO do?? Over the course of the year, our volunteers work together to accomplish the following:
... raises money to fund classroom “enrichment” programs. These enrichment programs help make learning come alive for students by bringing in authors, musicians, and artists; giving students opportunities to visit museums and attend theater performances; and providing students with hands-on learning experiences.
... helps to build community by coordinating fun events for children and caregivers such as Bingo Night, Movie Night, and Back to school Night. Helping with PTO events and enrichment is a great way to meet other families!
... recognizes the hard work of our teachers by planning staff appreciation luncheons and bringing treats to the faculty rooms through our Random Acts of Kindness program.
"How can I help? I don’t have much time, but would like to help with one-time events..."
...Consider volunteering for special events such as Bingo Night, movie night, science share (working on bringing this event back!), or field day.
...Joining the PTO core team is a great way to build connections with other families and with school leadership, and to contribute to the direction and leadership of the PTO. Consider becoming a co-chair, an enrichment co- captain, a METCO liaison, or fundraising captain.
...Consider volunteering when classroom assignments are made in August, consider becoming a classroom coordinator.
"I’m busy during the day, but would still like to help..."
There are many tasks that can be completed anywhere, anytime – day or night! The PTO offers opportunities to help with communications, fundraising, and coordination tasks that can be done from the comfort of your home or your computer. Good with technology? The PTO needs help maintaining the website, the online student directory, and marketing items.
Please reach out to us now if you are even the slightest bit interested in joining the PTO team. There are a variety of different positions, all requiring different skill sets and time commitments. Contact us…we would be glad to discuss the details behind the open positions so that you can figure out the best fit with your abilities and time. We are so excited to talk with you.

There are many opportunities to support the enrichment program and we would love your help! Please send a message to ptochair@lpto.org if you would like to learn more about helping out!