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It's Story Time!

Fifth graders have been hard at work writing stories that will be placed on "story posts," around campus. Each post will have a QR code to scan in order to play audio or video of students reading their stories. Once finished, students in earlier grades will be able to go on a socially-distanced story walk around campus and hear the stories written by the fifth graders. A huge thank you to the team of volunteers headed by Analesa Smith, especially Kurt MacLaurin and Anson James for helping to build the posts, and the 20 families that painted posts. Thank you also to fifth grade teacher Joseph Colombo for devising and heading up this innovative project. This Enrichment Program is made possible by Annual Giving contributions to the LPTO from parents and caregivers like you. Thank you.

First graders were treated to a virtual musical version of Jack and the Beanstalk presented by the A.R.T. (American Repertory Theater) before the December break. Students went on an epic journey through Storyland with Jack, her cow Buttercup, and others. The vivid imaginations of Harvard undergraduates transformed the classic fairy tale into a modern celebration of the power of kindness, courage, determination, and creativity to overcome life’s obstacles. This was the next best thing to live theater, and allowed teachers to connect art and literature to the curriculum. This Enrichment Program was made possible by Annual Giving contributions to the LPTO from parents and caregivers like you. Thank you.


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