Are you still looking to purchase spirit wear? We are not longer accepting spirit wear orders online, but a great selection of items are available for purchase at Something Special! Please check visit or call Something Special to make your purchase.
Something Special: 145 Lincoln Road, Lincoln, MA 01773; 781-259-0544
The PTO, along with the Middle School Student Council (under direction of 5th grade teacher Maurisa Davis), have worked together to bring NEW spirit wear options for the 2020-2021 school year!
There are many different options & colors available from youth through adult sizes. T-shirts, Dry fit, hoodies, sweatpants, PJ’s, & more!!! Shop NOW for the holidays!! Feel free to share the order form with friends and family as well.
Please place your order by November 20, 2020 for holiday season delivery.
If you have spirit wear questions, please email Brianna Doo (
